ISITC Member Spotlight – Dannette Fleming


When did you begin working with ISITC and what position do you hold? 
I have been a member of ISITC for 22 years. I have been a co-chair for the reconciliation working group and the custodian forum during my tenure at ISITC and I’m excited about recently becoming a member of the Executive Board.

What has been your favorite part about joining the ISITC team? What upcoming projects are you most excited about?
My favorite part of joining ISITC is the long-term relationships I’ve established with industry experts and market participants who I can collaborate with to tackle shared challenges and develop solutions to those issues.  The members of ISITC are dedicated to educating themselves and working collectively to benefit our industry.  I’m excited to become a new board member and work closely with the other board members to continue to grow ISITC, find ways to reach out to other industry participants, and help share the value that becoming an ISITC offers. As our industry rapidly changes to take advantage of new technologies and adopt more efficient methods for servicing our clients, it’s important that we all work closely to understand these technologies and how they will impact our organizations.

What are some of the most impactful lessons you’ve gained from ISITC so far?
One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned through my work at ISITC is the importance of looking holistically across the industry to determine solutions for solving common industry issues. It may be a little overwhelming when you first jump in with ISITC, but take the time to participate and join working groups and forums – eventually you will get your bearings and see the real value of being an ISITC member. 

What are your favorite activities/hobbies outside of work? 
Whenever possible, I like to travel and see the world. For my last trip, I took a Danube river cruise with my daughter and sister through Hungary, Slovakia, Germany, and Austria. I also want to take more time to explore the United States. I recently moved back to Arizona, which is where I previously attended high school and college.  I’m using my free time to visit the sights I never took the time to enjoy when I lived there during my younger years.