ISITC Member Spotlight – Brian Manning

In our latest Member Spotlight, meet Brian Manning: Vice President, Asset Servicing Product at State Street.

When did you begin working with ISITC and what position do you hold?
I joined ISITC over a decade ago, right around 2009. In my role at ISITC, I serve as a co-chair in the Derivatives Working Group. Our mission is to work with industry groups like the AMF to create market practice standards around derivatives processing. We particularly focus on trade notification, reconciliation, collateral movements, and interest payments resets.

What has been your favorite part about joining the ISITC team? What upcoming projects are you most excited about?
I most enjoy hearing different points of view on largely the same marketplace issues and the opportunity to strategize new approaches. It’s very easy to get caught up in a siloed  viewpoint from my own role and perspective, so working with ISITC is a great chance to speak with other firms on the asset servicer side, as well as utilities and buy-side.

This year, we’re working to help ISDA’s Common Domain Model gain more traction in the market. One of the most interesting aspects, I think, is the fact this is a tool not just for derivatives processing, but also covers other areas such as securities lending.

What would be your alternative dream job if you were not working in financial services? 
If I was not working in financial services, I would love to work an early morning shift at a garden center: come in, water the plants, notice how things have grown over the last days, and still home by lunch. How that would work in the cold weather is a problem for winter Brian to worry about, but two-thirds of the year sounds great to me.