T+1 Task Force

The T+1 Task Force is currently focused on the global move to T+1.

From the inception of the T+1 discussion and subsequent requirement by the SEC to implement it on May 28, 2024, ISITC has served a vital role to educate, guide and prepare the industry for this significant transition. Through the work of our members and T+1 Task Force, we have been driving the conversation and supporting T+1 readiness across the securities landscape. We’ve maintained a strong relationship with the SEC and continue to provide this agency with trusted guidance and recommendations.

Join Us!

To be added to T+1 Task Force meeting invites, contact Aundrea Jarvis:

Through educational programs including webinars, and conferences, ISITC has been equipping professionals with the insights needed to prepare for, and thrive, in a T+1 environment.

The Task Force is comprised of more than 50 ISITC member firms and is facilitated by:

Aundrea Jarvis Brown Brothers Harriman & Co
Charlie Mottinger State Street Corporation
Aruna ParthibanGoldman Sachs

ISITC’s Position on T+1

Letter(s) to SEC with ISITC’s position:

Industry Resources to prepare for the transition

Additional Resources

T+1 Readiness Research from ValueExchange 

The ValueExchange, with sponsorship by The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) and support from ISITC and other industry leaders, is conducting ongoing research on T+1 readiness. Insights are being gained through the compilation of data being gathered from organizations across the investment cycle globally.