Bridgewater, NJ, December 14, 2021 – ISITC, the industry trade group focused on developing standards and best practices in financial services operations, today announced its new chair and officers for the 2022-2023 term.
ISITC has named Kristin Hochstein, Global Head of Reference Data & Symbology, London Stock Exchange Group, as the Chair of the organization for the 2022-2023 term. Ms. Hochstein assumes the position from Lisa Iagatta, Director of Strategic Engagements at Securrency, who completes her three-year term in December 2021.
Most recently, Ms. Hochstein held the position of Vice Chair since 2018 and was the Executive Sponsor of ISITC’s Regulatory Forum and Reference Data and Standards Working Group. As a member of the financial community for more than 20 years, Ms. Hochstein brings deep industry and data expertise to the organization.
“I am honored to be elected as the new Chair of ISITC, whose members have inspired me in my time here,” says Ms. Hochstein. “With the continuous evolution of the financial services industry, I am grateful for the opportunity to work alongside ISITC’s devoted membership to continue the future success of the organization. I would like to thank Lisa Iagatta and congratulate her on three excellent years as Chair. She has paved the way for me and the entire organization as a whole, and I look forward to continuing her foundational work as we strive to lead financial services operations into the future.”
Lisa Iagatta assumes the role of Immediate Past Chair from Erica Borghi, Vice President in BHH Infomediary at Brown Brothers Harriman, who has served the previous three years.
Former ISITC Chair Lisa Iagatta says, “It has been a pleasure to serve as Chair for the past three years. I am incredibly grateful for everyone who has impacted my journey with ISITC, especially in the last year as we worked to collaborate amidst tremendous change. I know the future of ISITC is in great hands under Kristin’s leadership as the new Chair. She is a strong leader, immensely knowledgeable and creative. Her experience and passion for the industry and organization will drive the entire organization forward as she continues to grow ISITC’s success in 2022 and beyond.”
Additionally, ISITC’s Board of Directors holds elections to determine the board members for the following year. ISITC is pleased to announce the 2022 Board of Director Officers, with Rich Robinson assuming the new position of Vice Chair and a new appointee, Grace Kang assuming her new role as 2nd Vice Chair. Secretary Ana Lotharius and Treasurer Charles Mottinger have been reelected to continue their roles for the 2022 term.
ISITC 2022-2023 Officers
- Chair: Kristin Hochstein (London Stock Exchange Group)
- Vice Chair: Rich Robinson (Bloomberg, LP)
- 2nd Vice Chair: Grace Kang (Boston Partners Global Investors, Inc.)
- Secretary: Ana Lotharius (The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation, DTCC)
- Treasurer: Charles Mottinger (State Street Bank & Trust Company)
- Immediate Past Chair: Lisa Iagatta (Securrency)
To view the full list of ISITC’s Board of Directors, visit the website here.
ISITC brings together investment managers, broker dealers, custodians, utilities and technology vendors to develop and promote standards and best practices that increase operational efficiencies across the securities industry, enabling member companies to provide essential and enhanced products and services. Founded in 1991, ISITCs membership totals more than 2,000 financial services professionals representing more than 60 firms and trillions of dollars in AUM/AUA. Through its member committees and working groups, ISITC plays a direct role in shaping the future of securities operations by creating and updating market practices, and educating the membership around emerging trends in technology and regulations.