Harry Stahl, Senior Director, Enterprise Strategy, FIS
How long have you been active with ISITC?
I’ve just recently become active with ISITC.
What boards, working groups, etc., do you/ have you participated in at ISITC?
I was delighted to be part of the ESG panel at the 31st Annual Securities Operations Summit this past March in Boston.
What do you consider to be the top benefits of being active in ISITC?
The depth of experience and expertise that ISITIC members bring is extraordinary.
What is your role at FIS?
I’m part of the solution strategy team at FIS Capital Markets, with particular focus on RegTech and sustainability.
What do you find most exciting with your current focus at FIS?
It’s a great moment to be working on sustainability. It’s a time when these issues are moving from a separate and specialized world into the day-to-day strategy and operation of our customers and colleagues.
What’s the most impactful career advice you received?
Take the time to find and work with the bright, high-integrity people, whether that’s a company, a group within a company, or a colleague. From there great things happen.
Do you have a personal philosophy by which you live your life?
Lead with curiosity, look reality in the face (the bad and the good), treat people well and focus on how to contribute (vs what can you get).